How to Start an S-Corporation in Arizona (2023 Guide)

Starting an S-Corporation in Arizona involves navigating several legal and procedural steps. However, establishing an S-Corporation can offer numerous benefits, such as tax advantages and limited liability protection for the business owner. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to help you understand the process of starting an S-Corporation in Arizona in 2023.

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Understanding an S-Corporation

An S-Corporation is a business structure that combines the tax advantages of a partnership or limited liability company (LLC) with the limited liability protection provided to shareholders similar to a traditional corporation (C-Corporation). The "S" designation comes from Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code, which lays out the rules and guidelines for this entity type.

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One of the key advantages of an S-Corporation is the pass-through taxation. Unlike a C-Corporation, which is subject to double taxation (once at the corporate level, and again at the individual level when distributing profits to shareholders), an S-Corporation avoids this double taxation. Instead, profits and losses "pass-through" to the shareholders' personal tax returns, where they are taxed only at the individual level.

Step-by-Step Guide to Starting an S-Corporation in Arizona

Step 1: Choose a Name for Your Corporation

Selecting an appropriate name for your S-Corporation is vital. The name should reflect your business's identity while adhering to the legal requirements outlined by the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC).

Ensure that the chosen name is available and not being used by another Arizona corporation, LLC, or partnership. Check the ACC's online database to verify the availability of the desired name. Reserve your chosen name online by paying a small fee to prevent others from using it for 120 days while you complete the necessary paperwork.

Step 2: Prepare and File the Articles of Incorporation

The next step is to create the Articles of Incorporation. This document provides essential information about your S-Corporation, such as the name, purpose, duration, share structure, registered agent details, and more.

To ease the process, the Arizona Corporation Commission provides fillable forms on its website for the Articles of Incorporation. Download and complete the form with accurate information. Once completed, submit the form online, along with the filing fee.

Step 3: Appoint a Registered Agent

Arizona requires all corporations, including S-Corporations, to have a registered agent. A registered agent is a person or entity responsible for receiving legal and official documents on behalf of the corporation. They must have an address within Arizona and be available during regular business hours.

You can choose to appoint yourself as the registered agent, or you can hire a registered agency service. Ensure that the appointed registered agent's details are included in the Articles of Incorporation.

Step 4: Develop Corporate Bylaws

Corporate bylaws outline the rules and procedures that govern the internal operations of your S-Corporation. While not required to be filed with the Arizona Corporation Commission, having clear and comprehensive bylaws is essential to ensure smooth business operations and avoid potential conflicts.

Work with an attorney to develop your corporate bylaws, covering crucial elements such as shareholder rights and responsibilities, officer roles and powers, meeting procedures, and more.

Step 5: Obtain an EIN and Register for Taxes

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is essential for an S-Corporation. The EIN serves as a unique identifier for tax purposes. You can obtain an EIN from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) by completing an online application on their website or by applying via mail, fax, or phone.

In addition to an EIN, you may need to register for other state and local taxes, such as sales tax or unemployment taxes. Visit the Arizona Department of Revenue's website to learn about the necessary registrations and taxation obligations for your S-Corporation.

Step 6: Issue Stock Certificates, Organize Initial Shareholders, and Hold the Initial Meeting

Once your S-Corporation is approved and registered, you need to issue stock certificates to initial shareholders. Determine the number of shares each shareholder will receive and provide them with the appropriate documentation.

Hold an initial meeting of shareholders to discuss and approve various matters, such as bylaws, election of officers, adoption of shareholder agreements, and any other important decisions relevant to the operation of the S-Corporation.

Step 7: Maintain Ongoing Compliance

Starting an S-Corporation in Arizona is not merely a one-time process. There are ongoing compliance requirements that you need to adhere to maintain your corporation's good standing. Some of these requirements include filing annual reports, holding regular shareholder meetings, keeping proper financial records, and maintaining the appropriate licenses or permits.

Consult with an attorney or a qualified accountant to ensure you stay in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.


Starting an S-Corporation in Arizona can be a complex process, but proper planning and understanding of the steps involved can make it more manageable. By following this 2023 guide, you can establish your S-Corporation while taking advantage of the benefits offered, such as pass-through taxation and limited liability protection. Seek professional advice when necessary and stay compliant with all legal obligations to ensure the long-term success of your S-Corporation in Arizona.

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